Ruining your otherwise pleasant job

Are toxic coworkers ruining your otherwise pleasant job? Are you this close to quitting - even though you don't really want to?
Pick up Working With You Is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster. However, don't think you're going to come away feeling entirely blameless. While Crowley and Elster provide many useful methods for dealing with toxic people in the workplace, they also show you how you may have enabled the bad behavior of others in the first place.

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Every Body Watching

Lots of folks look for work while they're at work. While not always advisable, you may find yourself setting up interviews or printing resumes at the office. And you may accidentally leave a copy of your resume on a shared printer. Or in the copier. And your job search may come to your boss's attention.

If your boss asks you if you're looking around, you should own up to it. If you're pressed to reveal the reason, be diplomatic. You can talk about wanting a higher salary, or seeking new challenges, or a total career change. Avoid saying anything insulting to your supervisor or about the company, even if its future looks dim. Your tactful honesty could prompt a discussion about a raise or different responsibilities. It could also earn you your walking papers.

Remember, if you are employed in a state where employment is at-will, you can be fired for many reasons, including looking for another job. It's best to conduct your job search on your own time.