Five Soft Skills You Need to Succeed

Caroline Levchuck, Yahoo! HotJobs
Hard skills" vary from industry to industry, and your mastery of them is what will help you get started in your career. "Soft skills" are what will ensure your success in any line of work and help you rise through the ranks.

Here's a quick profile of five skills that will help you get ahead.

1. The Write Stuff

Instant messages and texting via mobile devices have become a standard part of business, but the shorthand and lingo used therein will never render formal business writing obsolete. A terrific way to stand out and impress clients and colleagues alike is to craft clear, well-written, and grammatically correct messages. If written communication isn't your strong suit, take a continuing education course at your local college or business school.

2. Lead Meetings That Matter
Like it or not, meetings remain a necessary reality in corporate America. As you advance in your career, you'll have to call and lead more meetings. Win the admiration and respect of your coworkers by organizing focused and concise meetings. Create a strict agenda. Have clear start and end times, and enforce them. Make each meeting interactive and try to involve every attendee in some way.

3. Excellent Etiquette

Talent cannot be taught, but etiquette can. Open an Emily Post book and find out how to master the art of the business handshake. Learn how to conduct yourself during a business luncheon. Make sure you know how to behave on business trips. And remember to never make an "-ist" of yourself (i.e., a racist, sexist, narcissist, etc.) with an off-handed remark or inappropriate behavior.

4. Negotiation Know-How

In the words of Kenny Rogers, you've got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Learn to love the art of negotiation. Becoming a pro at negotiating means you can always go to bat for yourself and your employer, which usually translates to higher returns for each. Practice negotiating in your everyday life -- with your mechanic, at the store, with friends and family -- to become a natural in no time.

5. Make Powerful Presentations

Presentations may not be part of your current job, but they are sure to be on some level as you move into management.

The best presentations aren't about how impressive your PowerPoint files are; rather, they are about how passionate and persuasive you are. Practice will help you hone your presentation skills so that you're comfortable and able to convey your enthusiasm. If you need extra help, join your local chapter of Toastmasters or take a class in public speaking.

How to Manage Up So Your Work Is Noticed

Margaret Steen, for Yahoo! HotJobs
Many people who are good at their jobs think their excellent work should speak for itself: All they have to do is perform well, and they'll be at the top of the promotion list. The reality, of course, is a bit different.

"It's not enough to just do a good job at work. You have to let people know that you're doing a good job at work," said Susan W. Miller, owner of California Career Services in Los Angeles.

Give Regular Updates

Frequent updates are a good way to make sure your boss realizes how much you contribute.

Michael Dobson, co-author of "Managing Up: 59 Ways to Build a Career-Advancing Relationship with Your Boss," recommends sending your boss a half-page weekly summary of your accomplishments. Think in terms of how you made or saved the company money or prevented a crisis -- though you shouldn't use those labels in the report, Dobson said. This is also a good place to note areas where you could use help from your boss.

What if you're not sure you could list any achievements in these areas? "If that's the case, then it's probably a good idea to take a hard look at what you're actually doing during the week," Dobson said.

People also hesitate to toot their own horns for fear of looking conceited. But "you're not only entitled to some self-promotion, you're obligated to do it because your boss needs the information," he said.

Get on the Radar

This strategy may not work in every case; if you tell your boss you're planning to send these updates and get a negative reaction, ask what is the best way to keep the boss in the loop.

Things get trickier when you're trying to give updates to people other than your boss. Your boss' boss likely gets too much email to appreciate a weekly status report from you, and you don't want to look like you're going over your boss's head. The trick is to take advantage of every opportunity you have for contact with upper management -- and maybe create some opportunities of your own.

"Don't ever believe that memos and emails are informal and therefore it's safe to cut corners," Dobson said. Beware of grammatical errors or a whiny tone. "Emails are frequently the only thing that those above your boss know about you."

Welcome Chances for Visibility

When you're at a meeting with your boss' peers and superiors, make time during a break to introduce yourself. If you've presented information at the meeting, you could ask if they have any more questions, for example. "You're not just another name on the agenda then," said Richard Phillips, career coach and owner of Advantage Career Solutions in Palo Alto, California.

If you don't find yourself at meetings with upper management, there may be other ways to get on their radar screen. Miller suggests volunteering to work on a United Way campaign or other corporate project. These committees "give you some visibility and give you an opportunity to talk to people you wouldn't necessarily talk to," she said.

The key is to interact with these top managers so that they feel comfortable around you. "That's what gets you noticed," said Debra Benton, an executive coach and author.

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Five soft skills you need to succeed

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Are toxic coworkers ruining your otherwise pleasant job? Are you this close to quitting - even though you don't really want to?
Pick up Working With You Is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster. However, don't think you're going to come away feeling entirely blameless. While Crowley and Elster provide many useful methods for dealing with toxic people in the workplace, they also show you how you may have enabled the bad behavior of others in the first place.

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Every Body Watching

Lots of folks look for work while they're at work. While not always advisable, you may find yourself setting up interviews or printing resumes at the office. And you may accidentally leave a copy of your resume on a shared printer. Or in the copier. And your job search may come to your boss's attention.

If your boss asks you if you're looking around, you should own up to it. If you're pressed to reveal the reason, be diplomatic. You can talk about wanting a higher salary, or seeking new challenges, or a total career change. Avoid saying anything insulting to your supervisor or about the company, even if its future looks dim. Your tactful honesty could prompt a discussion about a raise or different responsibilities. It could also earn you your walking papers.

Remember, if you are employed in a state where employment is at-will, you can be fired for many reasons, including looking for another job. It's best to conduct your job search on your own time.